Solomon’s World – the timeline

version 0.0.0 – No key pressed yet, just some photoshop

Below you can see is the original Solomon’s World mockup, made reassembling assets from a Solomon’s Key screenshot. The project had to be chosen between 3 different ideas.

The other two were simpler, as it should have been a 4 months development time work, but we chose the most complex one, a modern reinterpretation of the original Tecmo classic.


version 0.0.01 – one happy little redhead

The project kicked off officially in april 2016. The first prototype was only a raw maze navigation with a character animation made by Ryan Carag. Unity has enabled us to develop it in less than a week.


version 0.1.8 – the monkey engine

Several months later, the game still looks the same, but there is more than meets the eye.

Usable items were added in right and left hand, large levels are supported through an optimized scrollable view frame.

Using our 10+ years experience in framework development we programmed an almost fully configurable procedural platform game environment (“the monkey engine“) controlled by JSON files, without too much to hassle with C# for new monsters, effects, sprites, samples and level generation. Obviously it’s a work in progress, but we are very happy with it.


version 0.6 – Where’s the light switch ?

Almost all placeholder art (32×32 pixels) has been replaced by final assets (64×64). There is music and sound samples for a lot of game events.

The new dungeon generation has been added. Here we show only the most basic one, Perlin based.

A flood of monsters, treasures and different types of blocks are there and sometimes there are funny interactions between the various actors.

Still a lot of work to do.
